Membership Fees

By submitting an application to join the Principals’ Federation of Western Australia:

  • I agree to be bound by the Rules of the PFWA.
  • I understand that the Rules may be amended from time to time.
  • I declare that the information provided by me in completing this application form is true and correct.
  • I understand that if I wish to resign from the PFWA, the Rules require me to notify the PFWA in writing by notice addressed and delivered to the PFWA at its registered office.
  • I understand that my membership may be terminated if my subscription fees are not paid.
  • I acknowledge that under Rule 8, the President may apply for membership and pay a subscription fee to the Australian Principals Federation on my behalf.
  • I understand that I remain personally liable to pay the PFWA subscription fees.
  • I understand that PFWA will oncharge the merchant fee cost of processing credit card payments online.